Friday, November 27, 2009

Adding YouTube videos to playlists EASY

Recently I have created small tool to add videos to playlists via bookmarklets.
It is called UNEMB and can be found at
Reason why I have created it, is that it is quite difficult to add YouTube videos to playlists. First, you have to start video, then you have to go to YouTube page, then select playlist where you want to see your video and only after it you can add it. It is quite annoyingly complicated and I wanted to have just one click to do it.
So I have created UNEMB, where you can create bookmarlet that you have to drag and drop to your bookmarks. It can add videos to favorites or playlists, you can have several bookmarklets for different playlists.
After you have created bookmarklet, you can go to any page with embedded YouTube video (Google Reader works great too), and just click bookmarklet. First time you will be redirected to authorization pages (mine and YouTube), but it is only for first time and will be stored in your cookies later. After first time one click will be enough and video will be stored without any further actions.
This service works in perfect synergy with RSSHANDLER, but is good also for other use cases, that's why it is hosted separately.
I am using it myself for little time and already am perfectly happy with it.
My usual use case is that I am reading Google Reader to find something new and funny and once I see YouTube video I click UNEMB bookmarklet to add video to playlist. This is special playlist, it is called 'downloads' and is like my YouTube inbox. I have this inbox configured as podcast in my mobile and in YouTubeXL on TV. And when I have enough time to watch video, I just watch them: later share with friends when it is good or just delete them when it is not.
I found this scenario very usefull and simple for myself and that's why I want to share it with everyone.
Again, service is new and it is first time when I was using Google Data API, so it maybe buggy, so please let me know if you experience any problem.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Feature request

Please write in comments features that you want most and that is not implemented yet.

Content type bug fixed

Fixed bug when for mp4 files, content type was flv.
It was a problem for some client applications.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Changes in YouTube RSS format

New changes in YouTube format. Service was not operating for some time, now should be fine.
Let me know if there are any problems with new changes.

Few notes: Seems that YouTube have excluded enclosures from their feeds completely (even for online users). Hopefully it does not mean anything bad for us.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New features - HD, bookmarklets, standard feeds and playlists

There is small reward after last week downtime - it is a new release of the service with several new features.
  • Standard feeds - like Top Rated, Most viewed, etc. In the converter section.
  • Playlists - it is possible to convert playlists too.
  • HD format support - only when video is available in HD, so it is mostly usable for downloads and channels, not good for favorites, playlists and standard feeds.
  • Bookmarklets for downloads - it is no more necessary to copy/paste URLs, just click link.
  • Banners! - you may notice several new banners on the page.

Please check it and let me know if there is any issue.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Problems seems to be resolved

After few days of broken service, it seems now to be fixed.
Thanks for everyone who reported about it and please check if everything is working again.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Problems with service

There seems to be problems with using service, probably due to YouTube changes.
I'll try to fix it in today.
Thanks to everyone reporting this issue.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Changes from YouTube

YouTube changed format of the channel feeds, and they were not working for some time. Now everything should be fine again. Please leave comments if something still is broken.